Salahuddin Alamgir, CIP

Chairman & Managing Director
Labib Group

In my childhood I always dreamt to be an Army Officer and Almighty Allah also granted my prayers and accordingly I got admitted into 31st BMA Long Course in 1993. But during my Training Session, I got a severe accident and based on my medical ground, I failed to receive my dreamt Rank from Bangladesh Army. But I did not get disheartened for that failure. Rather after a little break, I joined a Private Organization with another dream of gathering Business Experience with a view to being an Entrepreneur. By the grace Almighty Allah, I was doing there very well and based on my level of understanding and practical performance, I was promoted to a senior management position within a very short period of time. Then I started gaining more knowledge and preparing myself for business. When I felt confident, I left my Private Job and started my Business with ‘STARLIGHT SWEATERS LTD’ in 1999 and now we are having a Group of Companies i.e. ‘LABIB GROUP’.

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