We believe, employee's efficiency and performance are the major priorities for an organization. If an organization does not have happy and satisfied employees, they can never deliver performance-oriented results. As such, employees are treated as the resources in our organization, because we can stand for their strength, commitment and dedication and their emotional connection with our organization cannot be judged as assets in monetary value. Employees are the ones who render their heart & soul to our organization.


A business process is a series of steps performed by a group of stakeholders to achieve a targeted goal. Each step in a business process denotes a task that is assigned to a participant. Labib Group is always committed to improving its business processes from top to bottom. From raw material to finished goods, Labib Group maintains all SOPs and Guidelines complying with the global standard.


Product is one which has the capacity to fulfil our needs and for, product is defined as a bundle of potential utilities and from a marketing point of view, a product is also regarded as a bundle of benefits which are offered to our consumers. Labib Group is continuously working hard to develop the products which are fashionable & durable and can meet the desires of our consumers.


Our firm believe for a business to be successful, it must take care of its customers and make them feel special. It takes a long-term perspective – focusing on anticipating and adapting to the change in both present & future. Together our Employees, Partners & Stakeholders can make a good change to the community for a good livelihood to our next generation.


Environmental sustainability refers to the capacity to improve the quality of human being while living with carrying capacity of the earth's supporting ecosystems. Labib Group is always sensible to keep the environment green. We have large ETP Plant for recycling the waste effectively and we are always careful about our economic growth by balancing the social & environmental issues.